Event Phone: 941.485.2533
- July 14, 2018
9:00 am - 12:30 pm
Seahorses come in all shapes, sizes, colors and looks! Myths and legends abound from these odd-looking creatures. Did you know their name actually derives from hippocampus which means hippos for horse and campus or kámpos for monster?! Who could believe these creatures were monsters?
Given the odd look and shape of their bodies, they invite us to use our creativity to play with not only color but design and details. Using the bright colors often found in the sea, we’ll create our seahorses with just two color and then create a design over their bodies to create the fun, playful feel!
The cost of this class is $35. To register for this class, please call Keeton’s at 941.485.2533 or visit their website here. Please scroll down to June 9th to find all the info!
Venue: Keeton's Office & Art Supply
Venue Phone: 941-485-2533
Venue Website: http://www.keetonsonline.com/theartistscorner.html