Ready? Let’s Go!
Check out the available itinerary below:
An Imaginary Visit To Provence!
Click the class title above to learn more and register for the class!
Let’s Go For A “Visit!”
Visit classes are online, interactive, sketching classes and the biggest way they vary from “Trip” classes is in length. Visit classes have four visits and they are often technique based. Sometimes, they focus on a non-specific location. The Visit classes last for six weeks.
Some Visit classes focus on techniques and can help you learn more about sketching water, use complementary colors or working with values. A visit to the beach, the gardens or Autumn are other themes of Imaginary Visit classes. They’re fun, easy and you’ll be surprised at how much you’ll learn!
ImaginaryTrips.com offers a creative way to learn sketching and painting skills. Online, interactive, sketching classes, also called “Visits,” are where you can improve your art skills in a variety of environments!
Learn New Skills
In addition to using Laure’s system of the 5 E’s, the Visit classes will often help you to learn other skills like creating convincing textures, page layout, color use, lettering styles and design principles. Not only does Laure give you lots of help with the actual sketching, she also provides ideas for finishing the page with special touches to make your page look fabulous!
Learn On Your Time
Night owl? Early riser? Road warrior? No matter, the class is always available whenever and wherever you have internet connection. Just imagine that you can “travel” with your busy, crazy life! You’re not held hostage to a physical classroom.
The Trip classes have four assignments and are interactive with a private class blog where you’re invited to post your artwork for gentle feedback from Laure as well as the other travelers. Video demonstrations are available from the time they are posted until the end of the class which always falls two weeks after the last assignment. You can watch them as many times as you want.
Laure is available to answer questions via email about techniques, supplies and the current class location.
Connect And Make New Friends
Imaginary Trips is built around the theme of community. Learn from others as they learn from you and Laure by sharing your work in a private classroom. As they say, “We can’t live long enough to do it all!” So it’s a big help when other travelers share their artwork during the visit to show how they created their art and page. Laure’s classes are positive reinforcements of the simple premise, be kind—always. Many artists have posted work they weren’t thrilled with only to come away with a new perspective after reading the feedback from the other travelers in the class!
Testimonials From Others
First off, Laure makes the classes fun. I know “art” is a big subject, an important one and should be taken quite seriously but let’s face it, we are looking at having fun at the same time or we wouldn’t pick up a paintbrush to begin with! This isn’t a paint-by-number approach. Laure shows how to paint a scene as well as gives us options to choose from so you can use what skills you have. You can also choose subject matter to your taste to make these sketches truly your own. — T.C.
Laure, thank you so much for your supportive teaching style and thoughtful lessons for students with all levels of sketching experience! I knew I was making progress with my class assignments, but I wondered if I could transfer those skills to my own sketching in public and/or at home, and was hesitant to try. It’s working! I am thrilled, that with a bit of encouragement from you, I walked down the block and sketched a cute little beach bungalow. A little bit of history here…I’ve tried sketching this same house at least four times over the past three years, and had “instant throwaway” results. Laure, please keep teaching the 5 E’s…they are like gold to creating sketches. Thanks again. — P.O.